Forthcoming Letter of Agreement [LoA] 2017

Mr. Zia ud Din Khattak, Director General KPJA chaired a meeting held on 28th September 2016 with a single agenda of finalizing the activities for the forthcoming Letter of Agreement [LoA] 2017 with UNDP “Strengthening Rule of Law Project [SRLP]”. Mr. Niaz Muhammad Khan, Senior Director (Research & Publication), Khawaja Wajeeh ud Din, Dean Faculty, Mr. Mohammad Zeb Khan, Director Instructions – I, Mrs. Sofia Waqar Khattak, Senior Director Administration, Dr. Qazi Atta Ullah, Director Instructions – II of KP Judicial Academy and Mr. Ijaz Khan, Judicial Focal Point & Courts Specialist, SRLP UNDP attended the subject meeting.


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