The CPEC is a multidisciplinary project where systems integration plays a key role. The CPEC provides Pakistan a unique opportunity to master and upgrade new technologies and improve managerial practices that could find wider application in the country. The success in achieving this would, however, depend if Pakistan were able to develop dedicated institutions that are in a position to assimilate and transfer this cumulative experience. Interestingly, CPEC could be a major vehicle for promoting good governance through institutional reforms. But at the same time to achieve maximum benefit from the enterprise quality governance is critical. Regrettably, in Pakistan governance remains weak, so for those involved in the project their learning curve will have to be steep. The question is whether the government is giving sufficient attention to training and employing the right persons for achieving optimum efficiency. It is not that we do not have the potential to develop skills and improve governance but much will depend to what extent the government takes these issues seriously.
           In view of the prospects of CPEC, KP Judicial Academy to study a mechanism to effectively address any legal issue that may arise in the implementation an expansion of CPEC in future. We want to launch a study in this regard, and do our homework on issues arising with the implementation and extension of CPEC.


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