World Bank team visits Academy on 23 October 2012

A team of the World Bank visited the Academy. The team was led by Mr. Sher Shah, Senior Governance Specialist. It visited various sites of the Academy house and was briefed about the pace of the rehabilitation work and other projects, which are being carried out with the support of the Bank through the Governance Support Project of the Provincial Government. Such projects include organizing trainings, seminars, workshops, research and provision of electronic equipments. The distinguished guests keenly watched a seven minutes video prepared by the Academy. The video reflects flashes of the history of the judiciary and judicial education in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). It focuses on the activities of the KP Judicial Academy. It also contains necessary information on the progress of the Bank supported projects. The distinguished guests also took keen interest in the evaluation mechanisms the Academy is being developing for the judgment writing training and expressed its willingness to provide help in this key area. The team was greatly impressed with the activities of the Academy and the catalyzing role it is playing in the rule of law and peace building in this worst hit province of Pakistan. Mr. Sher Shah expressed the hope that the Academy may emerge a leading judicial training institute at the regional level, notably, the Central and South Asia.


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